
第壹部分: 選擇題( 占72分)
一 、 詞彙( 占 15分)


The movie director adapted this year’s bestseller into a hit and made a ____.

  (A) fortune (B) request (C) companion

(D) decision


這位電影導演將今年最暢銷的書改編成一部電影而且賺了一筆 ______。

  (A) 財富 (B) request (C) companion (D) decision 答:A

(adapt  (v.) 改編、改寫、適應;hit  (n.) 成功;
make a fortune 賺了一筆錢、發財)


Wang Chien-ming, the Yankees’ best pitcher last year, already showed his great ______ for baseball when he was still a teenager.

  (A) response (B) reluctance (C) permission (D) potential

the Yankees (紐約楊基隊)去年最佳投手Wang Chien-ming(王建銘)在他仍是青少年時期就已經顯現出極大的 ______。

  (A) 回應 (B) 不願意 (C) 准許 (D) 潛力 答:D

(teenager  (n.) 青少年(13-19歲)


Although Jeffery had to keep two part-time jobs to support his family, he never ______ his studies. In fact, he graduated with honors.

  (A) neglected (B) segmented (C) financed (D) diminished

雖然Jeffery必須兼二個差去養活他的家庭,但是他從來沒有        他的功課。事實上,他以 優等成積畢業了。

  (A) 忽略 (B) 分割 (C) 資助

(D) 縮減


(honors 優異成績;優等)


If it is too cold in this room, you can            the air conditioner to make yourself feel comfortable.

  (A) fasten (B) adjust (C) defeat 

(D) upload


假如這個房間太冷,你可以            冷氣機讓你感到舒適些。

  (A) 上緊 (B) 調整 (C) 打敗 (D) 上傳 答:B


This course will provide students with a solid ______ for research. It is highly recommended for those who plan to go to graduate school.

  (A) admission (B) circulation (C) foundation   (D) extension

這個課程將提供學生一個堅實的研究         。我們高度推荐這個課程給那些計畫去讀研究所的人。

  (A) 許可 (B) 流傳 (C) 基礎 (D) 延伸 答:C


Peter is now living on a        of NT$100 per day. He cannot afford any recreational activities.

  (A) division (B) guidance (C) measure (D) budget

Peter目前過著每天新台幣100元       的生活。他無法過的起任何的休閒活動。

  (A) 部門 (B) 指導 (C) 方法 (D) 預算 答:D


Amy succeeded in       for a raise though her boss didn’t agree to increase her salary at first.

  (A) compensating (B) negotiating (C) substituting (D) advertising

Amy成功          得到加薪,雖然她的老板起初不同意增加她的薪水。

  (A) 賠償 (B) 協商 (C) 替代

(D) 廣告




Ms. Li’s business            very quickly. She opened her first store two years ago; now she has fifty stores all over the country.

  (A) discouraged (B) transferred (C) stretched (D) expanded

李小姐的生意          非常快。她在2年前開了她的第一家店;現在她在全國有50家店。

  (A) 氣餒 (B) 轉換 (C) 拉長 (D) 擴張 答:D


Ruth is a very          person. She cannot take any criticism and always finds excuses to justify herself.

  (A) shameful (B) innocent (C) defensive (D) outgoing

Ruth是一為很          的人。她不能接受任何的批評,而且總是會找藉口來合理化自己。

  (A) 羞恥的 (B) 清白的 (C) 防禦的   (D) 外向的 答:C


It’s a pity that you have to leave so soon. I          hope that you will come back very soon.

  (A) sincerely  (B) scarcely (C) reliably (D) obviously

你必須要這麼快的離開實在是很可惜。我        的希望你能夠很快的回來。

  (A) 誠摯地 (B) 幾乎沒有 (C) 可靠的 (D) 明顯地 答:A


We human beings may live without clothes, but food and air are            to our life.

  (A) magnificent (B) essential (C) influential (D) profitable

我們人類沒有衣服可以活命,但是食物和空氣對我們的生命是        。

  (A) 壯觀的 (B) 重要的 (C) 有影響的 (D) 有利潤的 答:B


The manager        without hesitation after he had been offered a better job in another company.

  (A) retreated (B) revived (C) removed (D) resigned

在另一家公司提供更好的工作之後,這位經理沒有猶豫就        了。

  (A) 撤退 (B) 復甦 (C) 移除 (D) 辭職 答:D


Many important legal         concerning the tragic incident have now been preserved in the museum.

  (A) distributions (B) formations (C) documents (D) constructions

許多關於這個悲慘事件重要的法律       已經被保存在博物館中。

  (A) 分配 (B) 型態 (C) 文件 (D) 建設 答:C


I’m not sure exactly how much scholarship you’ll receive, but it will       cover your major expenses.

  (A) recently (B) roughly (C) frankly (D) variously

我不能確定你能得到獎學金確實金額,但是它          足以涵蓋你主要的支出。

  (A) 最近地 (B) 大約地 (C) 誠實地 (D) 多樣地 答:B


Tom was very ill a week ago, but now he looks healthy. We are        by his quick recovery.

  (A) amazed (B) convinced (C) advised (D) confirmed

Tom 一個星期前生重病,但是他現在看起來健康了。我們被他的快速復元而        

  (A) 驚訝 (B) 相信 (C) 通知 (D) 確定 答:A

二、綜合測驗( 占15分)

       All dogs deserve to look and feel their best. After a spa treatment at Happy Puppy, dogs come home  16   pampered and relaxed. At Happy Puppy, your dog can enjoy a half day of care and then be taken to the salon at naptime. Here all the dogs are given a bath using professional shampoo and conditioners in a massaging tub. Their relaxing bath will be   17   a full fluff dry and brush-out. When you arrive for pick-up, your dog will be well-exercised and beautiful.
You can also bring your dog to Happy Puppy and wash it yourself.  We supply everything,   18   waist-high tubs, shampoo, and towels. This service is available seven days a week during normal operating hours.
 19   Happy Puppy is a relatively new service, we benefit from more than 20 years of experience in breeding and caring for dogs. We are completely   20   to helping dogs enjoy a full and active life. Our well-trained staff will provide the best possible service for you and your dog.

16. (A) will feel (B) to feel (C) have felt

(D) feeling

17. (A) counted on (B) followed by (C) turned into (D) started with
18. (A) concerning (B) showing (C) including (D) relating
19. (A) Although (B) Because (C) Once (D) Until
20. (A) devoted (B) determined (C) delighted

(D) directed

      所有的狗都應該得到它們應有的外觀和感受。在Happy Puppy沐浴美容以後,狗感覺到寵愛和輕鬆的回到家。在Happy Puppy裡,你的狗能享受到半日的照顧,然後在午睡時間會被帶到美容室。所有的狗在這裡都會用專業的洗澡精和潤濕精在一個按摩浴缸內洗澡。接著它們輕鬆的洗澡後,毛會被完全吹乾和梳理整齊。當你來接它的時候,你的狗將有良好的運動和美麗了。
你也可以自己帶你的狗去Happy Puppy洗澡。我們提供所有的東西,包括齊至腰高的澡 盆、洗澡精和毛巾。這項服務一周七日每天早上上班時間都有。

      雖然Happy Puppy營業不久,但是我們受惠於有超過 20 年的養殖和照顧狗的經驗。我們完全專 心致力於幫助狗享有一個完美和活躍的生活。我們受過良好訓練的工作人員將會提供給你和你 的狗竭盡所能最好的的服務。

16. 答: D        

After a spa treatment at Happy Puppy, dogs come home feeling pampered and relaxed.

  介係詞片語  主詞 動詞



feeling pampered and relaxed 是分詞片語當作形容詞(請參考文法書p.140)使用,修飾主詞dogs

17. (A) 依靠 (B) 接著….之後 (C) 變成

(D) 開始

答: B

18. (A) 關於 (B) 顯示 (C) 包括

(D) 有關於

答: C

19. (A) 雖然 (B) 由於 (C) 一旦

(D) 直到

答: A

Although Happy Puppy is a relatively new service, we benefit from more than 20....




although 是從屬連接詞;用來連接一個從屬副詞子句(文法書p.335)

20. (A) 致力於 (B) 決定 (C) 高興

(D) 直接

答: A

(be devoted to 專心致力於...
be devoted to(文法書p.155)的to是介系詞所以後面要接動名詞helping)

第21 至25 題為題組
India is shrinking. A new analysis of satellite-based data has given precisely the rate   21   which the country is losing size as it pushes northward against the Himalayas. According to the analysis, the   22   between India’s southern and northern tips shrinks by 2 cm every year. As India’s size decreases, the thickness of the Himalayas increases.    23   the shrinking continues, India will disappear in 200 million years. There would only be a vast mountain range along the southern coast of China.
The Indian plate’s   24   movement is not new. However, this cannot be treated as a trivial finding in science. A movement of   25   a few millimeters (mm) of the earth’s crust is a sign of possible earthquakes. Such dangers are now obvious in India, where the movement of the plate continues.

21. (A) by (B) in (C) of     

(D) at

22. (A) height      (B) distance (C) geography (D) landscape
23. (A) If (B) For (C) Unless (D) Though
24. (A) wayward (B) downward  (C) northward       (D) outward
25. (A) yet (B) even (C) rather (D) indeed

      印度正在縮小。這個國家由於往北推擠喜瑪拉亞山脈,一項根據衛星資料新的分析顯示了它正在  21 精確的速率逐漸縮小。根據這項分析,印度南北端的  22距離  每年縮小2公分。當印度在縮小,喜瑪拉亞山脈在增大。 23假如  假如持續縮小,印度會在 2 億年後消失。中國南方海岸將只剩下大量的山脊了。
印度板塊的  24向北  移動並不是才開始的。但是這不能當作一件不重要的科學發現來處理。  25即使  是幾毫米的地殼移動都是可能的地震前兆。這樣的危險在印度很明顯,這個地方的板塊移動持續著。

21. 答: D

(關係代名詞which 是代替先行詞 rate;速率的介系詞要用 at;
at the rate 以…速率)

22. (A) 高度 (B) 距離 (C) 地理

(D) 景色、地貌


23. (A) 假如 (B) 為了 (C) 除非

(D) 雖然


24. (A) 任性的、倔強的 (B) 向下的 (C) 向北的

(D) 向外的


25. (A) 然而 (B) 即使 (C) 寧願

(D) 確實地


第26 至30 題為題組
Whenever I set foot on the soil of Rwanda, a country in east-central Africa, I feel as if I have entered paradise: green hills, red earth, sparkling rivers and mountain lakes. Herds of goats and cows   26   enormous horns graze the lush green fields. Although located close to the equator, Rwanda’s “thousand hills,”   27   from 1,500 m to 2,500 m in height, ensure that the temperature is pleasant all year around. And being a tiny country, everything in Rwanda is   28   in a few hours and the interesting spots can be explored comfortably in a couple of weeks. But   29  , Rwanda is a symbol of the triumph of the human spirit over evil. Though it was once known to the world for the 1994 tribal conflict that resulted in about one million deaths, Rwanda has   30   the mass killing. Now it is healing and prospering and greets visitors with open arms.

26. 26. (A) into (B) with (C) for (D) from
27. (A) differing (B) wandering (C) ranging (D) climbing
28. (A) off the record (B) beyond doubt (C) in touch (D) within reach
29. (A) worst of all (B) for that matter (C) above all

(D) at most

30. (A) survived (B) transformed (C) recovered (D) endangered

  每當我踏上盧安達的土地時,一個中部偏東的非洲國家,我感覺好像進入人間天堂:翠綠的山、紅色的土、燦爛的河川和山中的湖泊。成群的  26有  角山羊和乳牛在茂盛的草原上吃草。雖然位處近赤道,盧安達的”千山”,   27範圍涵蓋  1500 至 2500 的高度,使得全年氣候溫和。盧安達國家小,每個地方在幾小時內就可  28到達  ,有趣的景點可在幾週內遊畢。但是  29最重要的 ,盧安達是人類精神戰勝邪的象徵。它雖然在 1994 年因為部落衝突造成約一百萬人喪生而聞名於世,盧安達從屠殺中  30生存  了下來。它現在正在復元、繁榮並展開双手歡迎訪客。

26. 答: B

27. (A) 不同  (B) 徘迴 (C) 範圍涵蓋 (D) 攀爬 答: C

28. 答: D

(within 在….之內;within reach 可以在….之內抵達)

29. (A) 最糟的 (B) 那一件事 (C) 最重要的 (D) 最多 答: C

30. (A) 生存 (B) 變形、轉型 (C) 恢復

(D) 遭受危險

答: A

說明:第31至40題,每題一個空格,請依文意在文章後所提供的 (A) 到 (J) 選項中分別選出最適當者,並將其英文字母代號標示在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。每題答對得1分,答錯不倒扣。

      An old man who lived in a small side street of Mumbai had to put up with the nuisance of boys playing cricket and making a lot of noise outside his house, at night.
One evening when the boys were particularly   31  , he went out to talk to them. He explained that he had just retired and was happiest when he could see or hear boys playing his   32   game, cricket. He would therefore give them 25 rupees each week to play in the street at night. The boys were thrilled, for they could hardly believe that they were being paid to do something they   33   !
At the end of the first two weeks, the boys came to the old man’s house, and went away   34   with their 25 rupees. The third week when they came back, however, the old man said he had   35   money and sent them away with only 15 rupees. The fourth week, the man said he had not yet received his   36   from the government and gave them only 10 rupees. The boys were very   37  , but there was not much they could do about it.
At the end of the fifth week, the boys came back again and knocked at the old man’s house, waiting for their   38  . Slowly, the door opened and the old man appeared. He apologized that he could not afford to pay them 25 rupees as he had   39  , but said he would give them five rupees each week without fail.
This was really too much for the boys. “You expect us to play seven days a week for   40   five rupees!” they yelled. “No way!”
They stormed away and never played on the street again.

(A) disappointed (B) enjoyed (C) favorite (D) happily

(E) merely

(F) noisy        (G) paycheck (H) promised (I) reward

(J) run out of

有一天晚上,當小男孩特別   31  的時候,他走出去跟他們講話。他解釋他剛退休,當他看到或聽到小男生們在玩他   32  蟋蟀遊戲時會感到很快樂。因此,他願意每星期給他們25盧布讓他們晚上去街上玩。小男生們很興奮,因為他們幾乎不能相信能有酬勞又能去做他們   33   的事情!
前二個星期結束時,小男生們來到老人的房子,帶著25盧布   34   離開了。當第三個星期他們回來時;然而,老人說他的錢   35  ,只給了15盧布就打發他們走了。第四個星期,老人說他還未收到政府給他的   36  ,只給了10盧布。小男生們非常   37  ,但他們也沒辦法。
第五個星期結束時,小男生們又回來了,老人出現了。他抱歉他無法支付所   39   的25盧布,但是絕對可以給他們每星期5盧布。

(A) 失望 (B) 樂在其中 (C) 喜愛的 (D) 快樂地

(E) 僅、非常少

(F) 吵雜 (G) 支票 (H) 答應 (I) 獎賞

(J) 用光了

31. F 32. C 33. B 34. D 35. J

36. G

37. A

38. I

39. H

40. E

四、閱讀測驗( 32分)

Most American kids love Halloween treats, but a bucket of Halloween candy can be a dentist’s nightmare. Some parents try to get rid of half of the candy after their children go to bed, but dentists say parents also need to separate the good kinds of treats from the bad.
It is not exactly what a child eats that truly matters, but how much time it stays in his mouth. According to pediatric dentist Dr. Kaneta Lott, the most damaging stuff is something that is sticky or very hard and thus stays in the mouth for a long time. This is because we all have bacteria in our mouths. When we eat, the bacteria take our food as their food and produce an acid that destroys the surface of the teeth, causing cavities to form. The longer the food stays in the mouth, the more likely cavities will develop. Therefore, potato chips are worse than candy because they get stuck between teeth. For the same reason, raisins and crackers are not the best choice. Hard candies take a long time to consume and are also a bad choice for Halloween treats.
If children really love candy, dentists recommend that they eat chocolate instead. Unlike hard candies, chocolate dissolves quickly in the mouth. Besides, chocolate contains tannins, which help to kill some of the bacteria in the mouth. But no matter what a child eats, brushing after each meal is still the best way to fight cavities.


What is the main purpose of this passage?


(A) To discuss how cavities can be treated.


(B) To point out the problems with Halloween celebrations.


(C) To tell parents what sweets are less damaging to their children’s teeth.


(D) To teach parents the meaning of Halloween candies for their children.


Why are hard candies especially bad for teeth?

  (A) They may break the child’s teeth.

(B) They contain too much sugar.


(C) They help bacteria to produce tannins.


(D) They stay in the mouth for a long time.


According to the passage, which of the following is a better choice for Halloween treats?


(A) Chocolate.

(B) Crackers. (C) Raisins.  

(D) Potato chips.


According to the passage, which of the following is true of tannins?


(A) They are produced when the bacteria digest the food.


(B) They help to get rid of some bacteria in the mouth.


(C) They help chocolate to dissolve more quickly.


(D) They destroy the surface of the teeth.


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      許多美國小孩的都喜歡萬聖節的糖果禮物,但是一桶的萬聖節糖果可能是牙醫的惡夢。許多父母會在他們的小孩去睡覺後丟掉一半的糖果,但是牙醫說、父母也需要去從壞的糖果禮物中區分出好的來。(註:在美國萬聖節的時候,小孩子會去敲附近鄰居的門,然後說:Trick or treat! 要我們惡作劇還是你要請客!屋主就會拿一些糖果出來請客(treat)。這些請客的糖果就是Halloween treats)
Dr. Kaneta Lott,最有害的是黏或硬的東西,因為會停留在口中較久。這是因為在我們的口中都有細菌。當我們吃東西的時候,細菌拿我們的食物當成它們的食物,而且製造一種會破壞牙齒表面造成蛀牙的酸。食物在口中停留的愈久,蛀牙就愈容易發展。因此,洋芋片比糖果更不好,因為它們會卡在牙齒之間。同樣的理由,葡萄乾和餅乾不是最好的選擇。硬糖果需要較長的時間來消耗,也是萬聖節糖果的壞選擇。


  (A) 討論蛀牙如何醫治?

(B) 指出慶祝萬聖節的問題。


(C) 告訴父母親那一種甜食較不會傷害小孩的牙齒。


(D) 教導父母親萬聖節糖果對小孩子們的意義。

答: C



  (A) 它們可能會折斷小孩子們的牙齒。

(B) 它們有太多的糖。

  (C) 它們會幫助細菌製造單寧酸。

(D) 它們停留在嘴巴中較久。

答: D




(A) 巧克力

(B) 餅乾

(C) 葡萄干

(D) 洋芋片 答: A




(A) 它們是當細菌消化食物時被製造出來的。


(B) 它們可以協助去除嘴巴中的一些細菌。


(C) 它們可以協助巧克力更快的融化。


(D) 它們可以摧毀牙齒的表面。

答: B

45-48 為題組
The largest television network in America is not ABC, CBS, or Fox. Nor is it one of the cable networks such as CNN, which carries only news and news stories. It is not ESPN, the all-sports cable network, or even MTV, which is famous for its music videos. Rather it is PBS, Public Broadcasting System, a non-profit public broadcasting TV service. PBS has 349 member television stations in the U.S. and some member stations by cable in Canada.   
PBS only attracts a minority of all TV viewers, about 2 percent. The industry leader, NBC, however, attracts 11 percent of viewers. But the growth of public television in the past two decades has been dramatic. This is especially noteworthy when one considers that public television stations must often survive on very limited budgets, on viewers’ donations, and on private foundations and some governmental funding.
The level of quality of PBS programs, whether in national and international news, entertainment, or education, is excellent. Almost a whole generation of children throughout the world is familiar with Sesame Street and the characters of The Muppet Show. PBS is especially well known for the quality of its many educational TV programs. Over 95 percent of all public television stations have tele-courses. These courses are accepted and supported by more than 1,800 colleges and universities throughout the US. Each year, over a quarter of a million students take courses this way.

According to this article, PBS received part of its funding from      .

  (A) private organizations

(B) public schools

  (C) advertising agencies

(D) other television stations


What is PBS most famous for?


(A) Cable services.

(B) Generous donations.


(C) Educational programs.

(D) Live news broadcasts.


Which of the following is true about public television stations?


(A) The majority of their viewers are minority people.


(B) Ninety-five percent of their programs are tele-courses.


(C) They are shrinking in number because they make no profits.


(D) Their courses are accepted by many universities in America.


Which of the following has the highest percentage of viewers?




(D) Fox

      在美國最大的電視網並不是ABC、CBS或 Fox。也不是有線電視,例如專門播放新聞或新聞事件的CNN。它不是全運動節目的有線電視ESPN、甚或音樂影片的MTV。它是PBS – 一個非營利的公共電視服務。PBS在美國有349個會員電視台和一些在加拿大的有線電視台。
PBS的節目水準,不論是國內或國際新聞、娛樂或教育都是非常好的。幾乎全世界一整個世代的兒童都很熟悉Sesame Street(芝麻街)和The Muppet Show(布偶劇)中的人物。PBS尤其聞名的是它許多教育電視節目的品質。超過95%的所有公共電視台都有電視課程。這些課程全美國有超過1800所大學院校的承認和支持。每年有超過25萬學生以這個方式來進修課程。


根據這篇文章,PBS 的部分經費來自於       .

  (A) 私人機構

(B) 公立學校

  (C) 廣告代理商

(D) 其他電視台

答: A


PBS 最有名的是什麼?


(B) 慷慨的捐贈


(D) 即時新聞

答: C



  (A) 大部分的關眾是弱勢族群 (B) 95%的節目是電視教學課程

(C) 因為沒有利潤,它們的數據正在減少


(D) 它們的電視教學課程被許多的美國大學承認

答: D







(D) Fox 答: C

Last week Jay McCarroll and The HSUS (The Humane Society of the United States) made a bold fur-free statement on the runway, marking a new chapter for the fashion industry and animal protection. The encouraging response to McCarroll’s show confirmed that change is happening in fashion.
McCarroll has good reasons for rejecting fur. Each year, tens of millions of animals, including dogs and cats, needlessly suffer and die to fuel the fur industry. But what did Jay McCarroll use in place of fur? “I have patchwork pieces that contain all sorts of combinations of fabrics. The rest is cotton, nylon, polyester...you name it. I even have some stuff made out of bamboo/cotton blend. Anything but fur and leather,” he told Fashion Wire Daily.   
“So many people want to protect animals and live their lives without causing unnecessary cruelty. More than two thirds of Americans have pets, and we share a bond with animals every day. Saying no to fur can help millions of animals, and we want to show our respect to leading designers like Jay who embrace compassion as the fashion,” said Michael Markarian, executive vice president of The HSUS. “It is great to see leaders in the fashion industry recognizing that the animals need their fur more than we do.”


Which of the following is true about Jay McCarroll?


(A) He is a famous fashion designer.


(B) He is the executive vice president of the HSUS.


(C) He is an editor of Fashion Wire Daily.


(D) He is the head of an animal protection organization.


What does “a new chapter” in line 2, paragraph 1 mean?

  (A) A new unit of a book.

(B) The beginning of a new trend.


(C) The latest issue of a magazine. 

(D) A newly established organization.


Which of the following is NOT recommended for clothing by Jay McCarroll?

  (A) Polyester. (B) Bamboo. (C) Leather. (D) Patchwork pieces.


What do we learn from this passage?


(A) Human beings depend emotionally on animals.


(B) Fashion can go hand in hand with compassion for life.


(C) Fur is more effective than bamboo/cotton blend for clothing.


(D) Fur is more expensive than other materials for fashion designers.

      上星期Jay McCarroll和美國人道社會在伸展舞台上宣布了一項大膽的無獸皮毛聲明,為時尚產業和動物保護展開了新的一頁。對於Jay McCarroll表演的鼓舞回響證實了時尚正在改變中。
McCarroll有很好的理由來拒絕皮毛。每一年,有數千萬的動物,包括狗、貓毫無必要的遭收痛苦死亡來挹注這個皮毛產業。但是McCarroll用什麼來代替皮毛呢?他告訴Fashion Wire Daily (一家位於紐約的時尚媒體公司):”我有含有各種布料組合的拼湊布塊。其他的就是棉花、尼龍、聚酯…你想的到的都有。我甚至有竹和棉的混合物所製成的東西。除了毛和皮之外的任何東西。”
“許多人都想要保護動物和他們的生命不要造成無謂的殘忍。超過三分之二的美國人有寵物,而且我們每天和動物們共享著聯繫。對皮毛說不,可以幫助數百萬的動物,而且我們要對領導的設計家表示敬意,例如Jay,他以擁抱憐憫為時尚。” HSUS公司執行副總裁Michael Markarian說 ”很高興看到,時尚產業的領導者認為動物比我們更需要它們的皮毛。”


下列有關Jay McCarroll的敘述何者是真?


(A) 他是一位有名的時尚設計師.

(B) 他是HSUS的副執行總裁


(C) 他是Fashion Wire Daily的編輯

(D) 他是一家動物保護組織的董事長



第一段第二行 “a new chapter” 是什麼意思?


(A) 一本新書

(B) 一個新驅勢的開始


(C) 最新一期的雜誌

(D) 一個新近成立的組織



下列那一項不是Jay McCarroll 所推荐的作衣服材料?

  (A) 聚酯 (B) 竹

(C) 皮革

(D) 拼湊布塊 答:C




(A) 人類情感上依賴動物


(B) 時尚可以和憐憫生命攜手共存


(C) 製作衣服毛皮較竹或棉更有效(好作)


(D) 對時尚設計師而言毛皮較其他材料昂貴

答: B

53-56 為題組
Twenty years ago, most experts believed that differences in how boys and girls behaved were mainly due to differences in how they were treated by their parents, teachers, and friends. It’s hard to cling to that belief today. Recent research has shown that there are biological differences between boys and girls. Understanding these differences is important in raising and educating children.   
For example, girls are born with more sensitive hearing than boys, and the difference increases as kids grow up. So when a grown man speaks to a girl in what he thinks is a normal voice, she may hear it as yelling. Conversely, boys who appear to be inattentive in class may just be sitting too far away to hear the teacher.
Likewise, girls are better in their expression of feelings. Studies reveal that negative emotions are seated in an area of the brain called the amygdala. Girls develop an early connection between this area and the cerebral cortex, enabling them to talk about their feelings. In boys these links develop later. So if you ask a troubled adolescent boy to tell you what his feelings are, he often cannot say much.
Dr. Sax, a proponent of single-sex education, points out that keeping boys and girls separate in the classroom has yielded striking educational, social, and interpersonal benefits. Therefore, parents and teachers should try to recognize, understand, and make use of the biological differences that make a girl a girl, and a boy a boy.

What is the main idea of the passage?


(A) Boys tend to pay less attention in class than girls.


(B) Girls are better than boys in their ability to detect sounds.


(C) Boys and girls behave differently because of biological differences.



Single-sex schools are not good because they keep boys and girls separate.


Why do girls express negative feelings better than boys?


(A) Girls are more emotional than boys.  


(B) Girls have more brain cells than boys.


(C) The amygdala is located in different areas of the brain for boys and girls.


The links between certain parts of the brain develop earlier in girls than in boys.


Which of the following does the author believe?


(A) Girls need more training in communication.


(B) Boys and girls should be educated in different ways.


(C) Parents should pay more attention to boys.


(D) Sex differences should be ignored in education.


What does the phrase “cling to” in the first paragraph mean?

  (A) maintain (B) abandon (C) evaluate (D) challenge






(A) 男生在課堂上比女生不專心

(B) 女生比男生聽力好

(C) 男生和女生因為生理上的不同行為表現會不同


(D) 男女分校不好因為他們將男女分開

答: C



  (A) 女生比男生情緒化

(B) 女生的腦細胞較男生多


(C) 男生和女生的amygdala 在腦中的位置不同

  (D) 腦中的有些特定區域的連結女生比男生發育早


答: D



  (A) 女生須要更多的溝通訓練 

(B) 男生和女生的教育方式應有不同

  (C) 父母親應對男生多些關注

(D) 就教育而言性別的差異應該被忽略


答: B


第一段 “cling to” 是什麼意思?

  (A) 維持 (B) 拋棄

(C) 評估

(D) 挑戰 答: A

第貳部分: 非選擇題( 28分)

一、翻譯題( 8分)


  1. 應付考試的翻譯,要以逐字翻譯為主才會得高分。
  2. 先看中文的句子結構,再來決定英文的句子結構要如何寫。以下列考題為例:
1. 如果我們只為自己而活,就不會真正地感到快樂。

If we live only for ourselves, we won’t truly be happy.

    主詞 動詞 介係詞片語 主詞 動詞 形容詞(主詞捕語)  




When we begin to think for others, the door of happiness will open.

  主詞 動詞 不定詞片語 主詞 動詞  

二、英文作文( 20分)

提示︰請以下面編號 1 至 4 的四張圖畫內容為藍本,依序寫一篇文章,描述女孩與貓之 間的故事。你也可以發揮想像力,自己選定一個順序,編寫故事。請注意,故 事內容務必涵蓋四張圖意,力求情節完整、前後發展合理。






         It was a sunny day. Amy was playing with her cat in the park. When she was walking home, some cats followed her. Amy really loved cats so she asked her mom if she could keep those cats. Reluctantly, mom said ok and went back to the kitchen to prepare for dinner. Amy went upstairs to her room to do her homework. The cats were left in the living room.

         After finishing her homework, Amy went downstairs and found a mess. The cats scratched the sofa, knocked over the lamp, stained the floor, and even killed her favorite goldfish. Though she loved kitties, she was angry. She ordered the cats to stop, but they didn’t listened. They continued to make a mess and Amy didn’t know what to do.









有鑑於此,我們在網站上成立了一個Make Sentence (Facebook造句專欄);文章是許多句子組合而成的,歡迎前往造句,打好你的文法基礎和正確的遣詞用字能力。





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